Power of Affirmations



Recently, I discovered the efficacy of affirmations. I’ve always known about the act, I’ve read articles that emphasized the need for making positive confessions, but it wasn’t something I thought hard about. I’ve read about the power of affirmations but it took a personal experience to bring it home.


One Sunday, I was totally down. It was a new week but I had no energy to deal. I was not low on physical energy, no! I was just down mentally—I just couldn’t get myself to shake it off. In that state, I did the one thing that has become my first step to finding a remedy: I sent an SOS to Abba.

I’d come to realize that in those low moments, the best friends could do for me was to encourage me but the decision to get better had to come from within. I also realized that immediately talking to Abba about it eased the process. So that day, I expressed my heart’s confusion to Him and for every negative thought I brought up about myself, He had a positive one and in that process He taught me to declare what I would want the week to be like. For every fear and negative thought I had about the week, I wrote down a positive word and that was it. I got to feel better and I thrived through the week. And while I forgot about looking through the weekly affirmations for the rest of the week, the act followed me into the next week.


On the Monday of the next week, I decided to make declarations and decrees into the new week about all I want to be and do in that week. This time around I shared the note on my social media accounts and just moved through. Again, I didn’t think much about it through the week; I just lived.

I continued making the affirmations because there was some sort of energy boost it gave me to embrace each week. You can then imagine my surprise when I found out that the words were actually shifting something in my world.

One day, I was going through my mobile notes and I casually opened the affirmations I made at the start of the week. In that moment, remembering the state of things in and around me when I made those affirmations and comparing it with my current state, I was so excited that what I declared about the week was my reality. Right then, my mind-set about this shifted!

It took seven weeks of affirmations for me to discover that they worked and ever since then, I haven’t stopped. When I saw the power, I added a postscript to the notes I shared on my social media accounts encouraging my friends to personalize it.

Cindy Trimm has this statement in her book, ‘Commanding Your Morning’ that I took note of. She said, “Just as the great architects have taken raw materials to build skyscrapers and timeless monuments, your words are the raw materials that can form the life you are meant to live.”

That’s one book I’m recommending you read; I’m currently on my last chapter.

I keep being reminded that even though it may not look like it, the words we speak are powerful! I’ve experienced the power of positive words and I can only imagine how different the situation would be if I filled my heavens with negativity.


Remember the essence of this narration? It is to encourage you to make positive declarations over yourself. And one last tip, as a believer, I’ve come to experience that it’s even doubly efficacious when you declare what God has said about you and that situation.


I have no doubts that the rest of your days would be great; only make sure your words are fortifying that and not sabotaging it.

If this has blessed you, drop a comment and share with friends.

Remember you’re light; shine!

I love you!


PS: If you wish to connect with me on any of the social platforms, here’s the link—>

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chisomolamigoke

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chisomolamigoke/






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