Unleashing Your Potential

Merriam Webster defines Potential as

  1. A quality that something has that can be developed to make it better
  2. An ability that someone has that can be developed to help that person become successful

We say that someone has potential in an area of life, when that person shows promise at becoming successful at it.

I accepted a friend request on Facebook some time ago, and we got talking. After the initial hello and hi exchange, the guy mentioned that he went through my profile and noticed that I seem to enjoy telling stories. He mentioned that he hopes I build on it as it’s a very scarce talent….

He could have just been saying that he believes that I have potentials of becoming a brilliant storyteller.

We’re looking at you, unleashing your potentials; activating your power of becoming successful.


To unleash your potential

First thing first, what’s that ability you have that can be developed? It could be your eye for words, your love for books, your eye for colours, your math-brain, your ability to match up clothing items fashionably, your love for children. Whatever this is, you are in the best position to figure it out. From the outside, the best we can do is to make suggestions. Maybe I hear you read a text and I tap you and tell you how wonderful a radio presenter you’d make, because I heard your honey-dipped voice. So on this first leg of the journey, commune with yourself first and then, invite a wise third party to help you sift through your options. Be sensitive to every path you trail on this journey.

Secondly, we get better by doing. If you don’t exercise your giftings, you’d never get better at it. If your brain is hot for maths but you don’t feast on maths problems, the fire will die off. If you make a great seamstress but you hardly pedal the machine, your skills will become redundant. One great way to learn on the job is by volunteering at places that match your goals.

Remember, your potential is like a glowing ember that needs to fanned to flames— full combustion!


Thirdly, surround yourself with people on the same journey as you. There’s a beautiful way vision attracts. Once you’ve known what you want to do and you begin to do it, before long you’d begin to notice the influx into your circle, of people who are on the same path. In this case, like begins to attract. But then, you mustn’t passively wait for this to happen. Be intentional and active in your walk. There are people you have to make the first call to. Be bold to do so.


If you observe the trend of this discussion, you’d see that most of the work lies on your shoulders. The other people around you are just like a support group. So this is what you need to do: develop capacity; get better at what you do; attend courses, study online; read books, and most importantly, do! Get involved!

When you unleash your potentials, you fully become that light on a house top that cannot be hid. Men would gather to learn from you and you know what’s more? You get paid for delivering value.


Like Paul, I like to say: not as though I’d attained or were already perfect. But this one thing I do: I forget that which is behind and I press on to the high calling. (I paraphrase.)

Always remember: there’s an ability that you have that can be developed to help you become successful. Discover it, and set it free! Don’t be a spectator in your own life movie, get involved! Don’t just talk about it, do it!


Do not forget,


To go to the first part of this series, check here –


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